A salesman takes a break next to a truck while waiting to for customers on Monday at a dealership in Ningbo, East China’s Zhejiang province. Sales of medium- and heavy-duty trucks (MHDTs) have been sluggish in recent months. Photo: Chen Liang/Caixin
A salesman checks his phone on Monday at the truck market. A salesperson of FAW Jiefang told Caixin that he sold only eight trucks after the Lunar New Year festival despite receiving multiple inquiries. Photo: Chen Liang/Caixin
Stray dogs roam a parking lot with trucks on sale Monday. A total of 140,500 MHDTs have been sold in the first two months this year, down 19.6% year-on-year and decreasing around 30% compared to the same period in 2019, according to data from Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the China Passenger Car Association. Photo: Chen Liang/Caixin
A pair of dogs lay on the grounds of a truck market on Monday. Some dealership owners told Caixin that customers flows were even lower than the off-season before the pandemic. Photo: Chen Liang/Caixin
An owner of a truck dealership washes his car at the dealership grounds on Monday. Photo: Chen Liang/Caixin
A truck dealership owner feeds pigeons that are kept on a truck meant for sale. Photo: Chen Liang/Caixin
On Monday, a dealership owner surnamed Huang peers out a window from a dining area where he hosts visitors. He only sold 60 trailers after the Lunar New Year festival. It is estimated that 300 trailers should be sold according to the sales volume in previous years. Photo: Chen Liang/Caixin