Eileen Gu of China booked her spot in the women’s halfpipe final Thursday with two solid runs that scored over 90 points at the Genting Snow Park in Zhangjiakou, ranking her first in the qualification. Photo: VCG
Gu excited the audience with a solid opening score of 93.75, then bettered it with a score of 95.50 points in her second run, securing her top spot in the game. Photo: VCG
China’s Zhang Kexin, 19, two-time halfpipe World Cup winner, qualified for the final, ranking fifth with 86.50 points. Photo: VCG
China’s Li Fanghui, 18, entered the final with 84.75 points despite making a mistake in the second run. Photo: VCG
Qi Guangpu, who won gold for China in the men’s freestyle skiing aerials, performs a trick during the final on Wednesday night in Zhangjiakou. Photo: VCG
Qi raised the difficulty level of his movements to 5.000, the highest so far, during the final and claimed the victory with 129 points. Photo: VCG
Qi comes to a stop after finishing a jump. Photo: VCG
Qi, the 31-year-old fourth-time Olympic Winter Games athlete, smiles after finishing top. Photo: VCG