Caixin is a media group dedicated to providing financial and business news through periodicals, online content, mobile apps, conferences, books and TV/video programs. Caixin aims to blaze a trail that helps traditional media prosper in the new media age through integrated multimedia platforms.
The editorial staff at Caixin is well-known for independent thinking and professional practices. They are insiders with a profound
understanding of China's economic and social transition. They are sharp observers with a global vision.
Caixin's data service business provides wide range of financial service products, covering macro-economic analysis, industry research and consulting, indices, database services, investment opportunity monitor, financial training and education.
As an industry leader in China, Caixin takes the lead to explore overseas markets and is well positioned to serve global users with the insight, information and news report about China. Caixin offers the English news via a 24/7 website and runs a weekly digital magazine and a bi-monthly print magazine that is distributed in financial centers in the U.S., Hong Kong, Singapore and Zurich. Caixin also produces top grade summits, roundtables and dialogues that bring together political, business and academic leaders from across China and around the world.

Hu ShuliPublisher, Caixin Media

Wang ShuoChief Editor, Caixin Media

Zhang JiweiExecutive Chief Editor, Caixin Media

Wu PengDeputy Chief Editor, Caixin Media

Ling Huawei Managing Editor, Caixin Media

Gao YuExecutive Deputy Managing Editor, Caixin Media

Huang ShanDeputy Managing Editor, Caixin Media

Li QingDeputy Managing Editor, Caixin Media

Guo QiongDeputy Managing Editor, Caixin Media

Han WeiAssistant Managing Editor, Caixin Global

Yang DamingDeputy Publisher, Caixin Media

Fu JihongDeputy Publisher, Caixin Media

Zhang LihuiExecutive President, Caixin Media

Gao ErjiVice President, Caixin Media

Li XinVice President, Caixin MediaManaging Editor, Caixin GlobalManaging Director, Caixin Global

Kang WeipingVice President, Caixin Media

Du XiaoleiVice President, Caixin Media

Chen ShuoVice President, Caixin Media

Wu Jinglian

Lawrence Henry Summers

Xie Ping

Qian Yingyi

Xu Hong

Xiao Meng is a must-read for understanding China's financial and business world, with multimedia products that integrate news, opinion and analysis. It offers high-quality and original content 24/7 from an objective and professional perspective. is Caixin's English-language online news portal. It features frequently updated news and analysis, and offers a daily newsletter.

The Caixin Insight Group is Caixin's data and intelligence arm. Established in 2015, it provides financial data products to Chinese institutional investors. As a sister company of Caixin Media, Caixin Insight Group focuses on providing Chinese business with financial databases, macroeconomic research, big-data analytics, smart beta indexes and strategy consulting services.Our clients include global institutional investors, banks, MNCs, public sector institutions, and international businesses entering the China market. We build a bridge for overseas clients to understand China better, and provide a platform for them to expand their reach.

As a leading national weekly catering to political, financial, industrial and academic leaders, Caixin Weekly provides unbiased reporting and insightful, in-depth analysis on financial and business news and current affairs, and chronicles China's ongoing process of reform and opening-up.

The top English-language magazine covering business and finance in China. It delivers intelligent news reports and editorial features by top local and international journalists and opinion leaders, offering key insights into the market and illuminating key issues in the country today.

A monthly magazine featuring in-depth political and economic analysis. It enjoys a high reputation among policymakers, business leaders and academics. Its content includes commentaries on important individuals and events shaping China's transition and recommendations for how policy makers can create a citizen-oriented public agenda that would move China forward.

Comparative Studies aims to publish articles that will provide Chinese readers with the current thinking on major economic issues as well as the state-of-the-art analytical methods. In particular, it offers content that compares the experiences of developed, developing and transitional economies and that provides analysis of public issues. It is published bimonthly.

Caixin offers a wide range of professional video and audio programs including general news features, interviews and discussions with public figures in business and finance through internal platforms including and Caixin app and external platforms covering Tencent video, iQIYI and YouTube, etc.

Data Express, embedded into Caixin mobile app, is a cutting-edge financial data terminal providing financial and business information based on massive database, big data analysis and presentation technology to improve information acquisition efficiency.

Opportunity Monitor is a global targets database, providing pre-transaction intelligence and trustworthy transaction information to users. It helps Chinese investors capture investment opportunities ahead of the market and facilitate the transaction.

Caixin utilizes the power of big data to analyze and to build functions and provides series index-based structured research tools and investment strategies. Caixin index business includes Caixin PMI, New Economy Index, China Climate Risk Index, Caixin ESG Index, China Commodity Index and Smart Beta.

The Caixin China General Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI), sponsored by Caixin and compiled by international information and data analytics provider IHS Markit, is closely watched by investors as one of the first available indicators every month of the strength of the Chinese economy.The report is based on data compiled from monthly replies to questionnaires sent to purchasing executives in over 500 manufacturing companies. Survey responses reflect the change, if any, in the current month compared to the previous month based on data collected mid-month.

In 2017, Caixin Insight established a joint venture with a leading smart beta methodology provider Rayliant Co., and co-launched a series of smart beta research on A shares. Premia CSI Caixin China Bedrock Economy ETF and Premia CSI Caixin China New onomy ETF, the two ETFS derived from smart beta indexes developed by Caixin Rayliant, were released in 2018.

Caixin Summit

Regional Forum

Global Roundtable

"Building a Shared Future"
"Identifying Effective Strategies For The Chinese Consumer Market"

"Fueling Global Growth: Trade, Investment and Financial Cooperation in Asia"
"Bridging China-European Union Market"

"Capital for China's Brave New Economy"
"Renewing Multilateralism to Face Fresh Challenges"

"Are We Heading to a De-coupling World?"
"Resilience and Optimism"

"FinTech: Trends and Boundaries"
"China-U.S. Economic Relations"

"Refining Global Governance: New Challenges, New Responsoes"
"Global Challenges, Global Solutions"

"Financial Opening-up:The Engine of New Reformation"
"China Investment and Australia Forum"

"Managing Risk for Compan ies and Countries in an Age of Rising Protectionism"
"Shared Opportunities in a New Era of Opening"

"New Platforms for Cooperation between China and Russia: Prospects for Development"
"China and the World: Recalibration and Realignment"

The 1st Caixin summit was held in Beijing